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Tantric Journey

Updated: Aug 29, 2020

I remember clearly my first yoga class, over 16 years ago and how it created a feeling of peace that I had rarely experienced before. I knew then I had discovered a jewel, something that would change my life forever. And it did.

After going as deep as possible in New York City, I journeyed to India. Yoga became much more than a practice, something that I was doing; it became a way of life, a way of being. Waking up to life's magnificence and my own inner light was just the beginning. Living there, I embodied more joy than ever and at the same time I faced more challenges than ever, urging me to grow. This purified and refined my personality, paving the way for the unfolding of a higher state of consciousness.

My Journey to India

​After going as deep as possible in New York City, I journeyed to India. Yoga became much more than a practice, something that I was doing; it became a way of life, a way of being. Waking up to life's magnificence and my own inner light was just the beginning. Living there, I embodied more joy than ever and at the same time I faced more challenges than ever, urging me to grow. This purified and refined my personality, paving the way for the unfolding of a higher state of consciousness.

It was not until many years later that Tantra came into my life, during a time of transition. It was time for the next step. Shortly after meeting my teacher I moved to his ashram in Nepal to live, learn and eventually teach there. To my delight Tantra brought together all that I had been practicing into one beautiful tapestry, where everything was intrinsically connected. Intuitively I was living Tantrically in many ways; without connecting that aspect of myself to a spiritual path. This was a real awakening for me and gave a lot of freedom to evolve as an individual. At the same time my yoga practice deepened exponentially, as I was very much ready to receive these teachings.

Liberation through Tantra

What I found especially liberating about Tantra itself, is its way of embracing and accepting the dark and the light, going beyond duality to create oneness of being. For years I was not finding myself fully able to express due to social norms of the spiritual community in which I lived — the sense of good and bad, that only creates separation. For me it was a relief that I could be all of me and at the same time achieve heights of spiritual bliss.

Yoga is truly a journey back to your own natural self — back to innocence, wholeness and true happiness that is the birthright of all people. Methods are required to re-awaken or to re-member who we are at our core. Tantra offers these sacred tools along with very practical ways of reaching self-realization.


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